Chapter 5:


Why Get One Girlfriend if You Could Have ̶F̶i̶v̶e̶ ̶F̶o̶u̶r̶ ... Three?

Ikazaki Koharu

"Hey, did you hear the news?" (2:43)

"What?" (2:45)

"All of Spain got levelled to the ground yesterday. Was a huge earthquake." (2:45)

"Really?" (2:46)

"No." (2:50)

"Ikazaki, are you ever serious?" (2:50)

"Yes. Always." (3:00)

“Alright, maybe not this time…” (7:45)

"But I'll definitely be next time." (7:45)

Morishita Yuki

“So, it was kind of sudden but we talked about going on a date, if you remember? Still up for it?” (17:45)

“I Remember.” (18:00)

“So, how about after my classes end tomorrow then?” (18:01)

"Ten minutes after that. Let's meet then." (18:01)

“Or after yours if yours finish up later. I don’t remember seeing you in my class so I assume you’re in the other one.” (18:01)

“I’m not just in a different class, but also a year younger than you.” (18:01)

"Actually, never mind being in different classes, are we even in the same year?"(18:01)

“This is a bit confusing, could you wait until I’m done typing?” (18:02)

“Actually, wait. You’re ok with 10 minutes after my classes end, but I didn’t even tell you when that would be, did I?” (18:03)

“And you still said yes?” (18:03)

“That's two questions. Which one do you want me to answer?” (18:03)

“Did I tell you my schedule at some point?” (18:03)

"No, you didn't tell me. You didn’t message me at all between when we first met and now, I think? But I do finish 10 minutes after you so you could come meet me outside the classroom. I’m class 1-B, so that’s where you’d wait. I guess most of the classrooms are next to each other anyway though…" (18:03)

“So we’re meeting 10 minutes after my last class. Are you sure that works for you?” (18:04)

"Yes, I say yes. And now I've done it three times." (18:04)

“So just to be clear.” (18:04)

“Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.” (18:04)

“I’m getting tired of typing yeses now. Anyway, see you tomorrow then <3” (18:04)

“Shouldn’t you at least ask when the last class ends for me first?” (18:05)

“I already know though?” (18:05)


“Hello” (12:30)

“I love you, brother.” (12:30)

“How about I try giving you a good morning kiss tomorrow morning?”(12:30)

“Sana, did one of your friends steal your phone again?” (12:35)

“Again? I don’t remember that happening before…” (12:35)

“Wait, never mind. Just thought I’d try flirting a bit.” (12:36)

“Do I need to remind you that you’re my sister?” (12:37)

“You’re the one that asked me out.” (12:38)

“Which means we’ll have to go on a date at some point, so I just thought I’d practice.” (12:38)

“I don’t know if we actually have to do that though?” (12:39)

“I mean, strictly speaking we don’t actually have to go on a date. We could just pretend you’re ok with being my girlfriend until I win, and… Actually, why don’t we talk about this after we get home instead?” (12:40)

“Sana?” (20:45)

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