Chapter 11:

The Space in her Heart

Strawberry Milk

The hustle and bustle of the students stopping by their lockers began to slow to a trickle. Aya stood at the partition between two rows, facing the wall-to-ceiling panel windowing. Bright blue hues of the warm mid-day sun poured in. Aya shielded her eyes as she adjusted, and enjoyed a quiet moment to herself, waiting for the crowd to die down. Less than a minute later, her cue arrived: A short metallic groan, followed by the echoing of a closing locker, and then silence.

Aya gazed into her now open locker, letting out a pleasant exhale and feeling warm chills roll over her skin. Having been raised as a child of the system, Aya had grown uncomfortably used to not having a space she could call her own. It had become a habit of hers to cherish tiny interior spaces that she could either carry with her, or visit when she needed space to breathe. The inside of her bags, lockers, and even the inside compartments of desk at school were all just a few examples of places she’d make herself at home.

The inside of her locker was separated with various dividers, covered on all sides with pastel aquamarine wallpaper, and even had a small battery powered LED at the top to provide mood lighting. It was filled with books, mermaid gatchapon figures, sea creature plushies, a cold pack and lunchbox with cartons of strawberry milk, and a self-heating bento box.
The self-heating bento was stainless steel, and was an essential purchase that Aya had saved up for over time. Back home, Aya had built a repertoire with some of the local street vendors. Many of them knew her situation, and would pledge weeks worth of their food for her artistic services. Aya, of course, collected these meals several times a week on her way to school. She found it to be an essential utility, and a fond reminder of the warm street food that she was raised on.

Aya closed her locker after a few moments of enjoying her small corner of zen. She carried her self-heating bento, filled with the yakisoba of the day from a street vendor she ran into a few blocks away, and held in her hand a carton of strawberry milk. Aya turned to leave the locker hall, when a voice called out to her.
“Oh hello, Aya.”
Just shutting their locker in the next aisle, Yae smiled warmly and gestured with a short wave.

“Yae! Hehe.” Aya trotted up to them and smiled. A warmth bloomed in her chest and tickled her heart. With a free hand, she brushed a strand of hair behind her ear, and crossed her legs in a feminine manner. “Been a bit, huh?” Aya said.

“Yes, most certainly. One day, give or take. Quite a long time to go without giving my little squid a squeeze.” They leaned on the locker just above her. Today, Yae was exuding a different sort of confidence from the last time she saw them. Yae was wearing their same white dress shirt, unbuttoned with their feather necklace, but today was wearing it with the mascuine option of tan dress pants.

“It’s always squeezing with you, dude,” Aya crossed her arms and stuck out her tongue at them. They shrugged and kicked their locker closed, which sat on the ground level.

“Ouch. Your locker sucks,” Aya said.

“Oh, it’s not so bad if you never use it.” Yae rolled their eyes. “The moment I laid my eyes on it, I wrote it off as a lost cause. Which is why I carry this,” Yae said as they patted a large canvas messenger back with a plethora of pockets.

“Ah, nice. A locker you carry with you, I guess?”

“Essentially,” Yae said with a smile. “Anyways, would you mind if I joined you for lunch, sweetie?”

Aya’s eyes darted to the side, and her face began to feel warmer than her bento.

“We’re on to pet names now, huh?” Aya forced a grin, in a meager attempt at concealment.

“Well you are my pet aren’t you?” Yae grinned a toothy fox-like grin. “I considered that, perhaps you may as well have the names to go with.”

Aya chuckled to herself and rolled her eyes. She took Yae by the hand and began to tug. “Walk me to my next class?”

“Oh, you’re not going to eat?”

“Nah, not right away. Can’t get used to lunch being so early. It only lasts, like, 20 minutes, so I usually skip it. Besides, if I eat too early, I’ll get a mad tummy ache.” Aya said with a frown as she rubbed her belly.

“Oh I see. That makes sense. But, pray tell, when do you plan on eating that bento you’re holding?”

“When Fu’s not looking,” Aya squeezed Yae’s hand.

“Surely you’re joking?” Yae gave Aya a sympathetic smile. “You know she and the rest of the class can likely smell it.”

Aya strugged. “They’ll just have to cope I guess.” Yae smiled at this and their gaze began to drift to the ceiling.

“Ever the free spirit.” Yae chuckled. They put a finger to their lip and eye’d Aya from head to toe. “You’ve always been like that, which I quite enjoy.”

“Yeah?” Aya smirked and tugged on Yae’s hand. The two left the locker area and began making their way down the school corridor, hand in hand. The halls were relatively empty, as the other students had mostly cleared the area to get to their next classes.

“Mind holding this for me…honey?” Aya had stopped to face Yae and was handing them her bento box. In that moment, her rosy red cheeks betrayed her composed facade.

“But of course.” Yae grinned ever so slightly as they took the bento from Aya and placed it in their portable locker sized bag. The two continued walking, and with her now free arm, Aya linked arms with Yae’s, wrapping herself around it and clinging to them.
“Mmm. Hehe.” Yae smiled from ear to ear, and let out a small chuckle and a pleasant hum. Their face read like they’d just drawn their deck’s ace, and were now mulling over how best to play it. They reached down and patted Aya’s head, ruffling her fluffy green hair and running their nails pleasantly along her scalp. Aya felt warm tingles run the length of her body as she chuckled and nuzzled into Yae. The two made their way down the hall at a leisurely pace, making idle chat and enjoying their short but sweet time together.

“So what class you have next?” Aya looked up at Yae from her comfortable spot on their arm.

“CS 101,” Yae said, making a pained face. “Computers and I get along fine, until I have to learn about how they work.”

“I’m just as bad, dude. Uh, didn’t know that class was required.”

“Not exactly, we were given a choice and CS was one of a few. So I eventually decided on it myself, actually,” Yae said, as the two continued down the hallway.

“Were the other choices that bad?”

“Heh, they weren’t. I simply did this to myself, you see. I quite like games. They were my first love, and one of my mothers is a professional programmer. I suppose part of me still hasn’t given up on a career in games.”

“Ohh, I get it,” Aya said. She looked up at Yae and gave them a warm smile, squeezing their hand. “But, you’re a really good writer! That’s like, your main thing, isn’t it?”

Yae paused and put a finger to their lip. The two turned a corner and continued to walk down the hallway. They reached a door and Yae pushed it open, letting Aya go first. They both walked outside along the second floor covered walkway. The outside air was humid, and the heat of the day was in full swing. cicadas were lazily humming, and the sun beamed down on them as they made their way along the upper walkway.

“Who’s to say a person can’t have more than one object of their passion in life?” They said, “Actually, my parents for many years did just this.”

“I can respect it,” Aya said. As they continued along the upper walkway, Aya leaned against Yae, enjoying their warmth for a moment, and taking in the nostalgic view of the school.

“How’d you feel about it?” Aya said, as she tilted her head back and gazed at the fluffy white clouds.

“Hm? You mean about my parents?”

“Nah,” Aya replied.

The cicadas chipped loudly, and a gentle breeze blew by, carrying the rustling of loose papers, and a small relief to the heat of the day.

“I meant, about-um, passions.” Aya paused. “Do you have lots of them?”

“This, I cannot lie.” Yae said with a sigh of resignation. They looked down at Aya and ruffled her hair. They hugged her close, and, in turn, felt her hugging more tightly to them. “There’s no shortage of room in my heart.” Yae smiled down at Aya. She returned their smile automatically with one of her own.

“Yeah? Must be nice,” Aya said. Yae loosened their grip slightly, and the two walked for just a bit longer, quietly in observance of the outdoor rhythms.

“It is. I can’t imagine living any other way. However,” Yae paused. They stopped and turned to Aya, leaning down face her at eye level. Yae reached out their hand and gently scratched Aya below the chin. Aya reflexively felt her muscles relax, her eyelids grew heavy, and she tilted her chin up.

“Love in one’s heart only remains light as feathers if it’s respected, cherished, and given what it needs to grow.” Yae smiled and kissed Aya on the forehead. They ruffled her hair once more, and Aya responded by clinging to them and nuzzling into their warm chest. The two wordlessly hugged, enjoying the moment of serenity that bound them in a space of their own.

“Should probably keep walkin’,” Aya said, breaking the silence.

“Hehe, I figured as much.” Yae smiled.

As the two approached the door to Aya’s class, Yae handed her the bento they were carrying. The two made small talk for a few moments. As they did, other students from Aya’s class began to gather around the door, waiting for the teacher to come unlock it. Several other students came up and greeted Yae. Several of them they seemed quite familiar with. One of them had their eyes locked on Aya. She looked between Aya and Yae, and put a finger to her lip. Aya looked over, and she immediately changed expressions.

“Um, sorry if I’m in your way or something,” Aya said.

“Oh! No, forgive me,” the girl replied.

Aya knew this girl. Her name was Yui, and she was in Aya’s home room. Yui was in the fashion program with a focus in sustainability. She happened to get scouted for her prolific modeling portfolio in the Eco-Fashion scene. Yui mostly seemed like an agreeable person. She was respectful and polite, but outspoken on topics that she felt strongly about. From what Aya knew, Yui tended to be a bit of an activist, which was something she could relate to on some level.

“I was just thinking.” She paused and smiled. “You and Yae look quite adorable together.”

“Y-Yeah?” Aya said as she squeezed her bento to her chest and felt herself swaying nervously.

“Hello, Yui.” Yae said as they walked over and bent down to give her a hug. The two embraced for a moment, and Yae took a few steps back and pulled Aya back into their arms.

“Yae, lovely to see you. What brings you over here? Isn’t your class on the other side of campus?”

“Mmhm. It is. I’m just here to drop off my little squid.” They gave Aya a quick squeeze as she was wrapped in their arm. She held their hand and nuzzled into them.

“Oh how sweet. You two are so lovey dovey, it makes my heart swell with joy,” Yui said as she held her hands over her chest. She turned to Aya and gave her a warm genuine smile. “Yae’s a sweet person and means a whole lot to me.” Yui said. She took one of her hands, and bowed her head in a pleading manner. “Won’t you take good care of them for me?”

Aya blushed and felt her heart race. She looked up at Yae, and noticed their cheeks were a rosy red. She looked back to Yui. Aya couldn’t help but notice a particular piece of jewelry around her neck. It matched a piece that Yae often wore.

“It’s okay…and stuff?” Aya asked. Her voice trailed and she could feel her hand growing a bit clammy in Yui’s grasp.

“Certainly. Yae’s told me all about you. You seem wonderful, Aya.”

“Thanks, dude,” Aya said, squeezing Yui’s hand. “You seem alright too.”

The two paused and Yui, Yae, and Aya stood together smiling for a moment.

“Perhaps the three of us could spend some time outside of class sometime soon?” Yae said.

“Oh, what an idea!” Yui kicked her heel up behind her and clasped her hands together. “I know a fantastic vegan bar. It just opened, and I’d love to take you both there.”

“Sounds bomb. Yae and I got pizza at ‘By the Slice’ the other day,” Aya said.

“Oh that one’s a must.” Yui nodded. “A staple for all of us here.”

“It made for a lovely first date.” Yae winked at Aya. Aya blushed slightly and darted her eyes to the side.

“Hehe, I see. Sounds like a day,” Yui commented. “You’ll be late to class if you don’t start heading over there, you know,” Yui said while looking at Yae.

“Yes, you’re quite right. I’ll be off then.” Yae leaned over and gave Aya a big hug. The two awkwardly paused, but quickly exchanged a peck on the lips before Yae turned to leave.
“Oh! Wait. Did you want this? I had planned to give it to you.” Aya held up her carton of strawberry milk.

“Ah, I’ll just have a quick sip,” they said, taking the carton from her hand, kicking back a quick sip, then quickly handing it back to Aya. “I’ll message you soon, my little squid.” They gave her hair a quick ruffle, and began briskly walking in the opposite direction.

“Silly thing.” Yui sighed in resignation.

“They’re something alright.” Aya grinned. Yui and Aya looked at eachother and chuckled. After a few moments, things between the two went silent for a moment. Aya extended her hand towards Yui, holding the carton.

“Want some?” Aya said, tilting her head. Yui looked at the carton, then to Aya. She paused for a moment, then smiled warmly.

“Certainly.” Yui took the carton from Aya, and with two hands, she carefully kicked it back and took a tiny sip. “Mm-mm! Very sweet. Hehe. Very tasty. Thank you, Aya,” she handed it back. Aya took it and smiled.

“Maybe we could hang out too. Just the two of us, if that’s cool?” Aya said.

“I’d love to. Why don’t we exchange info?”

Yui and Aya took a moment to exchange numbers and add each other in their messenger apps. Aya followed Yui’s social media accounts, which were plastered with stunning images of her all over her profile. Yui had a massive following, intimidatingly so. So massive, that her following dwarfed that of head political figures and popular brand pages. Aya gave Yui her social media, which, in terms of followers, was measly by comparison.

“I’ll follow you back after we get out of class, Aya. Your work is quite charming and unique.”

“No worries. Thanks dude,” Aya replied.

The two put up their phones and gathered their belongings. The teacher had arrived and the click of the doors dead bolt signaled the end to another one of life’s short adventures.

“So long as I’m not interrupting anything you might have planned, maybe we could walk back to the dorms together after class?” Yui said.
“Nah, I’m not busy. Sounds good.” Aya smiled. Yui held her hands to her chest and returned her smile with one of her own. Her and the rest of the class filed through the door, but Aya remained in place to let the crowd die down first. She stared at the carton of strawberry milk in her hand, and debated on taking a sip. Her mind flashed back to both Yae’s and Yui’s lips touching it. Aya paused and thought for a moment as the shuffling of feet echoed around her.


Aya’s phone had interrupted her. She picked it up and opened the notifications. It was unusually packed. Her phone for a solid 30 seconds kept buzzing, and new notifications began flooding her screen. They were all from her micro-blogging app where she posts photos of her street art. All of the notifications were new followers, and there were hundreds of them. Aya’s heart raced in utter joy and disbelief. She took a moment to compose herself, and then scrolled through the notifications. Aya’s eyes went wide and her heart skipped a beat as she reached the origin of the influx of messages, that is, a follow from Yui, followed by her sharing one of Aya’s wall-painting time lapses. Yui had blown up Aya’s social media like wildfire.

Aya grinned, put her phone on silent, and then slipped it into her bag. She then returned to the carton of strawberry milk in her hand, smiled, and then pressed her lips to the edge of the carton, kicking it back and gulping down the rest in one go. Aya smiled, satisfied with how each passing day seemed to slowly fill the empty spaces in her heart with new people and new passions.
