Chapter 0:

introducing the characters

Shades of blood

kaito hiroşima: Our hero is smart, strong, he enters the mafia to get revenge after his family was killed by the mafia

Rina Yamazuki : The serial killer, whose title is a bounty hunter, was first the enemy of our hero, then he becomes his friend,he has a bad history with the mafia

Takachi suzuki: Kaito's childhood friend, works as a programmer in the morning but works in intelligence at night

Riyota kazuki : The father of the main mafia, he rules the city powerfully and is the source of all the atrocities in the city

Yuki mori: A young detective enters the police academy to put an end to the mafia and persecution, but later becomes the assistant of our hero when he learns that the police and the city are ruled by the mafia

Sakura : an 8-year-old girl, her past is unclear,our hero finds her during a vision and adopts her
