Chapter 20:

Wandering Around with Onee-san

The Cute Side of My Yandere Girlfriend

After staying up all night, drowsiness struck as soon as we arrived at the lodge. After arranging our belongings, each of us went straight to our respective rooms. No sooner had I laid down on the bed than I fell asleep.

A few hours later I woke up. I grabbed my phone and saw that it was 11 a.m. I was still sleepy, my head was dizzy, and my body was still aching. Despite all of that, I woke up naturally. Maybe it's because I always wake up at this time on holidays that the biological clock in my body wakes me up.

"Urgh... Let's sleep a little longer."

I lay down on the bed once again. However, as I tried to sleep, my stomach growled.

Reluctantly, I got up again. After sitting on the bed for some time, I walked out of the room.

I went downstairs to the kitchen. I opened a few cabinets and found only cutlery or cooking utensils. It's only natural, there's no way they'd store food in a place where people aren't always around.

Maybe they'll have lunch together after everyone wakes up. While I didn't know when that would happen, my stomach kept crying out to be filled.

When I was in a quandary, someone came.

"What are you doing here, Kenjiro-kun?"


The person I wanted to avoid the most was the first person I met today.

After what happened last night, I don't know how to face Chizuru-san. After all, what happened between us was something unspeakable. Almost grabbing a woman's breast is not an everyday thing. Furthermore, it's the woman herself leading the man.

For now, let's act like nothing has happened.

"Frankly speaking, I felt hungry after waking up. So I was looking for something to eat."

"Oh... We actually had emergency food just in case. But since I want to go out, why don't you come with me? We can buy something while we're out."

Although going out sounds better, I wanted to avoid being alone with her as much as possible.

"Thanks for the invitation, but I'll just eat emergency food. Can you tell me where it is?"

"Eh~ Why are you so cold to me? Don't you care what would happen to a girl like me wandering around alone in a strange place?"

It might sound cruel, but I don't care about what happens to strangers like her. But, it would be bad if something happened to her. Even so, I don't want to go with her so bad.

"I'll wake up my sister so she can accompany you."

When I was about to leave, Chizuru-san said something that stopped my footsteps.

"If you wake her up, I will tell your sister that you almost grabbed my breasts."

I can't believe she threatened me like that. Slowly, I turned to her.

"But you are the one who seducing me."

"Ara! Do you think she will believe it?"

Even if it's the truth, it may be hard for others to believe it.

"So, if you don't want anyone to know, you'd better accompany me."

She cornered me very well. She gave me no chance but to obey her words

"Fine. I'll do as you say."

"Tsk tsk tsk! Repeat how you speak."


"I don't like the way you make it sound like I'm forcing you. So, say it again, in better words."

But you are!

I wanted to shout at her. But she calmly raised both eyebrows as if to say, "Do it or you know the consequences."

"Please let me to escort you."

"Humu! Good enough. Let's go!"

With high spirits, she grabbed my arm and hugged it tightly. I could feel my arms sinking into a very soft cushion. But every time I tried to pull away, it only made her hold on tighter. I had no choice but to resign and let her do as she please.

"There is absolutely nothing here, huh?"

After wandering around for some time, Chizuru-san seemed to lose interest. For a city girl like her, this place seemed to lack attraction.

This place gives the impression of being in the countryside. Although it's not that far from the city, it gives off a 'calm' vibe.

While I kept following where Chizuru-san went, we continued our tour.

"How about we go to that store over there?"

She asked me while pointing to a small stall. It was a shop that seemed to have been around for a long time. It can be seen that the wood that is the main construction of the shop has been worn down by age. Nevertheless, the shop is still quite lively.

Although it's not that big, it sells a wide variety of goods. Things such as sweets, drinks, and toys are sold here. This kind of store is definitely popular with kids.

"How about ice cream?"

Chizuru-san asked me while standing in front of the refrigerator full of ice cream.

I thought about it for a moment. If we're going to eat later, ice cream might not be a bad choice to temporarily fill my stomach.

"That's fine with me."

"Okey dokey. Which flavor do you want?"

"Uhm... I'll take this one."

"Do you like vanilla flavor?"

"Not really. I'm fine with anything honestly."



"Nothing. Give it to me. I'll pay it for you."

"You don't need to do that. I'll pay for my own."

"It's fine. I feel sorry for dragging you along, but I just wanted someone to keep me company. So, think of it as my payback."

When she said that, all my will to resist instantly vanished. While I was hesitating, she was already standing in front of the cashier.

"These two, please."

"Thank you for the purchase. That will be 900 yen."


Chizuru-san san took out the money from her wallet and gave it to the seller. It turned out that the person who kept the shop was an old lady.

When she gave the change, she said, "I've never seen you around here. Are you two newcomers?"

"Oh! We just came to visit. So we won't be staying long."

"Is that so?"

The grandma raised her face and was silent for a moment. It seemed like her eyesight had deteriorated so much that she couldn't see our faces properly.

"It's nice to see a young couple once in a while. It's mostly old people here, almost all the youngsters have gone to the city to work or study there."


I was surprised by what she said. I didn't expect her to say such a thing.

Do we look like lovers in her eyes?

On the other side, Chizuru-san seized the opportunity and wrapped her arms around mine. Not only that, she locked our fingers as well.

"We might just be stopping by for a while, but maybe someday we'll come here again. Right, Deart?"

"What are you doing?!"

"Ara~ No need to be shy. Showing our love this much is nothing."

"Fufu~ What a lovely couple. I wish for your happiness."

"Thank you very much."

After picking up our purchases, we left the store.
