Chapter 1:

My favorite idol was kidnapped

My favorite Idol was kidnapped so now I must rescue her!

It was almost 7PM. Do you know what that means? Only 5 more minutes until Nami-chan goes live.

"Who is Nami-chan?" you ask?

Insolence! Nami-chan is the most precious cinnamon bun idol in existence! Plus she even streams! It matters not whether she plays a game or just chats. Just seeing her cute smile, blue bobbed hair, and those heartwarming green eyes is enough to satisfy me for life. And since I watch her everyday, I have reached enlightenment and beyond!


"Hello everyone. Thanks for tuning in. Since it's Halloween, I thought I'd play a spooky game," Nami smiled as she went live.

I joined other chat members in swooning over Nami's cuteness. She was just so adorable and precious.

Then Nami played the game. It was apparently a game where you play as an agent and try to steal government files without getting caught. It really was creepy, heck I felt nervous just watching gameplay of it, but Nami was the one playing it, so I had to be brave for her. She was clearly trembling after all. Oh Nami-chan, you're an angel for subjecting yourself to that creepy game just to give us joy!

As Nami advanced further in the game, she ran into technical difficulties, and her stream went offline.


"What an awkward time for the stream to cut out," Nami nervously laughed as she attempted to get back online.

"Looks like I'm gonna have to close the game. *Sigh* this really was a pain to set up, well guess I'll just stream the next spooky game."

As Nami prepared the next game, she failed to notice two men in suits standing behind her.


As the stream began to go live again, one of the men ran up and wrapped a piece of cloth around Nami's mouth. Nami struggled and attempted to scream, but was restrained and tossed in a sack before the men appeared to just warp away with her.

I had seen the whole thing live along with all the other 15,000 viewers.

WTF just happened!? Did Nami-chan just get kidnapped!? Clips of the incident flooded the chat as we all struggled to process what happened. The stream suddenly ended and the chaos only grew.

To make things worse, Hich suddenly displayed the "This channel no longer exists due to repeated violations" message when I refreshed the page. I then went to Nami-chans Y page. That was deleted too. Then I did a search on her. I couldn't find any articles on her or even any search results on her. Even her Subblueit had been deleted. I noticed people were uploading clips of the kidnapping on other subblueits. However, the posts were going down quickly. WTF is going on!?


Nami awoke bound and gagged in a chair garbed in what appeared to be a grey prison uniform and a strait jacket.

"You have dug too deep," a frighting man in a suit stated as he stared at Nami.

"We will begin our interrogation. Hmm?"

The man suddenly began conversing with his partner in a language Nami did not recognize. One of them then walked up and snatched the hairclip in Nami's hair.


I received a notification that the backup channel of Nami-chan's fellow idol and older sister, Ran had gone live. I clicked on the link and was horrified by what I saw. I could make out a tied up Nami-chan as the faces of two alien-like men were crowding the screen. They shouted something in a foreign language before the feed cut out.

Nami-chan had been kidnapped. It must have been that creepy game she played. This had to be the work of some shadowy conspiracy government thingy. I was terrified, but I had no choice. I had to save her. She's too precious to be killed, tortured, or mind controlled by those creeps. This will be a challenge, but I, Otaku Miro will save you my precious Nami-chan!

I just needed to figure out how to do it. Then the answer came as Ran's main channel went live.


Ran looked pale and terrified.

"Everyone, my sister Nami has been kidnapped. I don't know who did this, but they are trying to erase all traces of her existence. Please, someone, anyone, help me save her!" Ran pleaded.

I noticed a code in the background of her video and immediately typed it into the search bar as Ran's stream was abruptly ended. Upon entering the link, I was taken to a dark web page where I could see instructions on how to save Nami-chan.

I shut down my computer and set forth to save Nami-chan.


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