Chapter 25:

What the Future Brings

The Governor's Queen

Lilac's words left the room in silence. Teodolit was looking at him warily, and the confused attention was shifting between him, and Rosamund and Adanita.

The two exchanged glances, and Rosamund gave her a nod to continue.

"How is your light steel project going?" she asked Lilac.
"What?" he asked, focusing all his attention on her.
"When the two of us dueled, you had a zweihander you personally told me you forged yourself, using alchemy. It was as light as a rapier. You were a highly skilled swordsman, one of the strongest I've faced," she added. "Were you in better shape mentally and physically, I am not sure I'd have won."

Lilac was tense. He was quite secretive about his projects, for several reasons. He was extremely proud, so didn't like to talk about unfinished things or times he hit a wall in his research. He also didn't want his projects leaked to other alchemists, although with his skill and resources, the odds of someone else managing to steal and finish his work were low. Rosamund was aware of some things he was up to, but Lilac making his favored weapon lighter and easier to use was news to him, too. The information did not come from him, and his little brother knew that.

After a bit, Lilac sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I will accept that you have knowledge of something you should absolutely not be aware of."
"Considering you are Lord Governor's brother, I will give you the patience and time I'd not have for others who would doubt me," she replied. "Also, I wouldn't think your ideas on the natural laws would be so rigid considering who your brother is."
Lilac's face turned gray. Rosamund forgot to tell him Adanita was in the know about his previous life. Three people in the room completely missed the context, but three were fully aware of what her words meant.
"That- that case is different. It is unnecessary to bring it up now," Lilac said. The tone of his voice was reaching a dangerous point. Any more, and his temper will take over.

It was time for Rosamund to take over. He will have to apologize for not telling him later, but at least Lilac was now aware of the level of trust Adanita enjoyed.

"Whatever the case is, I believe Captain Vervain has knowledge of things that should be well beyond the scope of current events," he spoke. "For my personal example, she knew of the slander Vice Admiral Khamil will spread about me before he even had the chance to open his mouth. I don't care how she came upon this knowledge - whether the time turned back or if this had been a highly vivid, three years long prophetic dream on her part. I would implore you to keep searching for the source of it, if you can, but I believe her when she speaks of the future she witnessed. And whatever the way of her obtaining the information was, I believe her when she says it was reality to her. You don't get recurring nightmares from something you've only witnessed from a perspective that wasn't yours."

He would know.

And so did Lilac. He shuddered at the mention of recurring nightmares, Rosamund winced at his reaction. I am sorry...

"So," Nivelir spoke. The attention turned to the man. "You want me to educate the pirates to be government officials." He was a practical man at his heart. Rosamund stated his goals, his job was to consider them before telling him no. Bless him. "What do you think that education should entail?" he asked.
Rosamund had some time to think on it, thankfully. "I believe it's safe to assume the people we were given know how to read and write, at a minimum. Hold a preliminary set of tests in reading, writing, language, mathematics, and general knowledge. Split them into appropriate classes based on their current knowledge and make curriculum fitting for each level. Allow the hard-working students to advance to harder classes. Do not permit anyone to fall behind. At the end of the education, every single one of them should be at the same level. Teach them everything that you were taught - " wait, no " - that is relevant to your job. Accounting comes to mind. Diplomacy, the art of speech. Current events and recent history." There, now he couldn't say no.

Nivelir leaned back in his seat. Adanita was pondering something, looking at Rosamund in deep thought. He ignored it for now.

"What will you do about Khamil?" Nivelir asked.
"I will speak to the Captains tomorrow afternoon. When his next letter for you arrives, you can just give it to me. I will invite him for a visit one of these days... how are his ships?"
"Currently under repair. The damage was considerable."
"Any news from the Admiralty?"
"Not yet. News travel slowly. I don't know if Khamil has his own ways of communicating with the Queen, but the report I have sent her through the orb didn't yet receive a response."
"If you reported it the way you usually do, I'm not sure whether she had anything to reply to at all. I will try to contact her tomorrow with a proper update." The magic orb of sending video messages could also double as a magic orb of video calls. Hopefully the Queen will be nearby when he uses it. The magical item (like all items) was extremely rare, and he wasn't sure Khamil would have one. Certainly not one that connects straight to the Queen, although he supposed one to call his family wasn't as much of a stretch. Meaning there were now possibly rumors about him in the Capital, too.

Nivelir sighed. "Very well. Regarding connections between Vice Admiral Khamil and Duchess Almukantarat, his younger sister became her apprentice a few weeks before your arrival to Hipparcos. If there is more, I haven't uncovered it yet."
"Is she a mage competent enough for the position?" Rosamund asked. The position of an apprentice to the Royal Magician was one of the most sought after in the entire Kingdom. Duchess Almukantarat had a lot of power, both politically and magically. In fact, considering her title, her job, and her position in Queen Sarmia'a court, she was easily the most powerful person in the Kingdom, right after the Queen. Next to her, even Rosamund's achievements faded. He may be able to personally contact the Queen, but she was one of her closest advisors. Facing her would be... near impossible.
There were several reasons why Rosamund needed the status that came from calming relations with the pirates. Considering the ruthlessness that Adanita described, he feared not even that would be enough.

"The records of her being a mage are... scarce."
Nivelir was too polite to say it out loud, but the deal that happened was clear. While Khamil being an idiot was still on the table, attempted murder of Rosamund was now all but fact. No, wait. That was too much. Trying to ruin Rosamund's name and reputation was a fact. With no evidence of him being intentionally given a damaged or worn rope, he couldn't speak of murder.

And intent was always the hardest to prove.

"What are your plans for the rumors?" Nivelir asked him, derailing his thoughts.
"I believe it will be more than enough to discredit Vice Admiral," he answered.
"That is not what I mean, Lord Governor. You spent almost two weeks in Hannau Cove. You return with a pile of pirates in tow, along with the Queen Herself. Not to mention a crew of hers, that is aware the two of you have been sleeping in the same cabin."
Now then, someone was reaching dangerous grounds to tread on. A positive mine field. A quick glance confirmed Adanita had a deepening frown, but he kept a neutral face. Let the man dig his own grave, word by word.
"The moment they land, they will start to speak to the citizens. If the people hear the gossip, they will certainly think that she and you - hrm."
"Go on," Rosamund encouraged him. "Finish the sentence."
Nivelir's lips turned into a thin line. He had enough awareness not to, bless the man. He was determined not to speak further, and after a few moments, Rosamund was ready to let it slide. He stopped himself in time, after all.

"Lily, has Duchess made an attempt to contact you?"
"No. She didn't send any letters or invitations before I left for Hipparcos," he said.
"Good. I can't risk you - I can't allow the future Captain Vervain saw come to pass. I will protect you," he promised.
"I know."

Gods, was that everything? Rosamund was exhausted. He waited to see if anyone had anything else to say. Teodolit was content sitting in silence, his secret so far unrevealed to Nivelir and Lilac. Rosamund decided to let the duo know about a witch in their midst only after they had the time to process the current events. A stroke is not a good way to start a cooperation between two groups of people. Ekliptik was just staring at the cup of tea they were given. They didn't speak at all since the moment they were on the ship. Rosamund was getting worried, they seemed to be in some distress, but they were not speaking up about it. Or perhaps, the distress was caused by their anxiety.

Seeing how the meeting will end only after he ends it, he continued sitting in patient silence. Others were mildly confused, but waited with him. Lilac and Nivelir knew him well enough not to ask to leave, seeing how he was obviously up to something. Adanita and Teodolit had no idea what he was waiting for, but didn't comment either.

After a while, Ekliptik awkwardly cleared their throat. "I'll need-" their voice cracked when everyone turned their attention to them.
Rosamund was waiting for them to speak, so they continued after a few moments. "I'll need total freedom of movement. I dunno if I can do stuff Rosamund asked otherwise," they said. Their voice was quiet, but they managed to speak clearly. They seemed to be trying to speak formally, too. Rosamund was very proud of them.

Nivelir certainly seemed to be suffering a stroke, seeing how the teenager called him by his name. But that was how he introduced himself to them, so he hardly minded it. There was also the matter of the request. Rosamund considered it.

"Do you want to assist us in our work?" he asked.
The hat nodded.
"I do not believe that will be necessary. I don't want you to endanger yourself needlessly, either. You may come and go as you please, but there is no need for you to help us. I will manage Vice Admiral myself." He knew he promised them anything they'd ask for if they found some way to handle him, but there really was no need. Nivelir was there. If they wanted anything, they could just ask for it for all he cared. "If you'd like to, you may also watch Nivelir at work."
"Being a nanny hardly falls under my usual duties," Nivelir warned.
"But you are about to become an educator," Rosamund smoothly ended his sentence. "Educate them, whenever they're around."
"May I at least request a less of a ridiculous outfit on them? Or to see their face while I work with them?" he asked.
They grabbed onto the rim of their hat, highly distressed. Rosamund raised his hand to stop Adanita before she could speak up.
"They can wear whatever they'd like. Oh, but you did remind me, we will need a tailor for these two. And an appropriate etiquette teacher for them. Perhaps..." Who was in the city these days? He quickly went through a mental list of nobles in this area, and narrowed it down to the people he had the chance to meet during the social season in the Capital. Narrowing it down to decent people left him with a single name, unfortunately. "Baroness Mayberry?"
"I will send her a letter tomorrow."
"Very good. I foresee we will all be very busy in the next few days, Captain Vervain. I hope we will at least see each other during our meals. If you'd prefer," if your nightmares return, "you may stay aboard your ship. However, if possible, I would like it better if you stayed here for at least a day or two, to keep the appearance of ongoing negotiations. You are our guests. There are rules of hospitality that we must observe for the time being."

She nodded.

With that, they really were done, thankfully. Rosamund got up- no he didn't.
Rosamund was then helped up by his brother, who led him to his room.



Per Astra