Chapter 165:

Year 2: Part 1 Afterword

The Children of Eris

Hello dear readers and casual viewers just wanting to see what the latest chapter is like,

Thank you for reading the 1st half of the Year 2 Arc of The Children of Eris. Originally, I was going to do the whole thing in one go; then, I realised I'd been writing this every week for the past year (7th November 2022 - my birthday, as it happens) and I decided to take a small 1-month hiatus with Eris.

It's been a fantastic journey thus far (for me at least) to be able to write this much and to have just so much love, support and views every single week - it really is what keeps me going with this story. 

I hope you all enjoyed getting to know the Summoned Heroes, as many of them as there were, and to see the Demon Emperor and his loyal servants back in action, and the war that will soon rage across Aangapea. I'm really happy with how the whole thing turned out overall, although I do have just a few teeny, tiny regrets here and there.

The biggest has to be not writing the dates of when the chapters take place - I feared this might distract readers, so I left it out, but now I wonder if I might have confused a few instead. Intentionally, the story jumps around from perspective to perspective, sometimes going back a month and other times the story's flow is just normal. If this did confuse you, I apologise and hope it won't be an issue moving forward as the chapters will now feature dates of when they take place.

During this month long hiatus, I intend to go back over the Year 2 Arc thus far and touch things up a little here and there, correct a few mistakes, add in dates and the calendar system that I basically made for this world, but don't worry - the actual story progression will not be affected by this. 

If you haven't already, do please consider checking out my entry for the Honeyfeed x YOASOBI contest, The Cat - it's a really short, sweet story and it's gotten positive responses so far (and I pray that that pattern continues).

Finally, once again, let me just say thank you to each and every one of you readers for sticking with The Children of Eris and look forward to the 2nd half of the Year 2 Arc. The story is still far from over, but there's a lot of intense action, high stakes drama and chaotic war to come in this arc!

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