Chapter 1:



in the heart of Japan, as the sun dips below the skyline, Tokyo transforms into a mesmerizing tapestry of lights. The city comes alive with a kaleidoscope of neon signs, casting a vibrant glow upon the bustling streets. Skyscrapers stand tall, adorned with illuminated billboards that paint the night with vivid colors. The rain graces the city of Japan, undergoing a subtle transformation shimmering with a rewed sense of vitality. The wet streets reflect the neon lights, creating a captivating scene of illuminated pathways mirroring the colorful signs above.

In Arakawa district, where it holds the biggest cafe in the world, designed with classicism, attracting people from different continents to come and enjoy themselves, known as the Grand Blue.

A large number of customers, waits for the rain to calm down as they take pictures inside the Grand Blue and enjoying their evening.

Near the window of the cafe, A young man sits at a table writing about his daily life and enjoying the view of the city. The waitress taps his shoulder as the man gets a little Jump scared since he was in too deep writing and closes his laptop quickly.

He looks at the waitress and finds her attractive as the waitress smiles, "what can i get you sir?" she asks. The young man's mind is far off elsewhere as he is still admiring her beauty and not hearing what the waitress was saying.

The waitress clears her throat as he comes back to his senses and afterwards feel embarrassed after shutting down like that. "what can i get you?" she asks again with a smile. "a hot cappuccino please" he orders as he looks at the city's view feeling embarrassed. The waitress walks away as she gets his order.

he opens his laptop and continues typing about the moment he has experienced a few minutes ago. He describes the waitress astonishingly as the waitress is right behind him with his order, admiring his way of description about her.

"here's your order sir" she says while he turns quickly blocking his laptop to prevent her from seeing what he wrote. "you're really good at describing people you know" she compliments him. "i'm Suzuki" she says as she puts out her hand for him to shake. "Yuta" he says as he shakes her hand. "uhm my shift will be over in the next 10 minutes, what do you say, we'd go  over to a restaurant nearby" she says. Yuta stands there thinking if he has anything to do but luckily he doesn't find any. "yeah sure" he says. 

Suzuki walks away to finish her shift as Yuta enjoys his cappuccino enjoying the view of Tokyo as his thoughts starts to wind up with many questions about Suzuki. He finishes his cappuccino as Suzuki is already done and changed to leave the Grand blue.

A sudden alert appears to all citizens mobile devices as one of them reads it aloud, "The city will undergo lockdown from now henceforth. please remain in your homes". "why are they locking down the country?" Suzuki asks as she's confused.

Yuta takes a look outside the Grand Blue as it's still raining. He hears a clamour coming from ahead. Suzuki gets outside the Grand Blue as she also hears a clamour. "what's that noise?" she asks. Yuta sees something ahead. A large number of people looking dead but yet running towards them. Yuta grabs Suzuki's arm as they run away. "wait, why are we running?" Suzuki asks as Yuta doesn't respond as he concentrates to find a safe spot.

Everyone in the Grand Blue starts to panic as an old lady went to stand to get a clear view of the outside. She sees people running towards the Grand Blue but her on sight she saw them differently, her heart pounding, stumbled, her eyes wide with terror. Grand Blue is getting demolished by the undead. Chaos is all over as it intensified as others fought for their lives, the air thick with the stench of decay and desperation.

The scene unfolded in a symphony of chaos and horror, the once living now trapped in a macabre dance dance with the undead. The metallic tang of blood permeated the air as desperate screams merged with the grotesque sounds of tearing flesh.



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