Chapter 16:

Somehow, Some way

Assassin's Guide to Being Ordinary

After classes finished for the day, I stepped out of the building and began walking along the path. Looking around, it seemed like I was the only student not wearing a jacket, but that's to be expected. I've trained in much harsher conditions, so my body is practically immune to the cold now.

Although, there's something about this year that feels off. It's only been a week into December, and I can already feel the chilling stings that I'd normally feel towards the end of January. Is it getting colder, or am I getting weaker? Hard to tell.

"Hey, Tsuki!" a familiar voice called out to me.

I turned around to see Saki running at me with a bright smile.

"Oh, hello," I greeted her. "How were your classes?"

"Don't even get me started on that," she whined. "My neck is killing me. I thought high school was bad, but it's really nothing compared to this."

"Oh. Y-yeah."

I almost forgot that I had never attended any level of grade school, so I wouldn't know what she was talking about. I guess in the grand scope of things, college is supposed to be harder, right? But who am I to make that assumption when I got a free ride up here?

"Anyway, what are you up to now?" she asked.

"I don't really know," I answered honestly. "After classes every day, I just walk around and see what might be interesting, but it always ends in failure."

"We're still second-year students. We have plenty of time to pick and choose."

"I'm not even sure if that's enough time for me."

"Keep your chin up. Something will come. I'm sure of it."

"Ah, Saki, there you are," yet another familiar voice said. "I need to-"

She suddenly paused her words. Even before turning around, I knew immediately who it was because my blood pressure was suddenly rising.

"What are you doing with him?" she asked with a hint of disgust.

"What's up, Ayaka?" Saki smiled. "Erm... I guess it still hasn't been resolved yet?"

"That's a very light way of putting it. So? Why is he with you?"

"Oh, I was just leaving class, and I happened to bump into him. We were just talking for a bit. What was it that you needed?"

"Just an idea I had for the new year's festival. I'll tell you whenever he leaves."

"You know, you're not hiding your malicious intent all too well," I said.

"Good. Glad you noticed, because I wasn't trying to."

Like always, we stood there and glared at each other for a moment. I wonder if she knew who I really was, would she still look at me so confidently? Actually, if she knew who I was, then she'd know that I had saved her back then.

From the corner of my eye, I noticed a couple of students pausing to look at us. This has happened too many times now for me to call it a coincidence. Eventually, I'm going to be known as her greatest enemy. Oh, how did my quiet life become so loud so quickly?

"A-Ayaka," Saki said like she was worried about what might happen if this continued. "Tsuki is also a member of the culture club, so it's fine if he hears it, right?"

"I don't want him to hear it," Ayaka replied instantly.

"I don't want to hear it from her either," I said just as quickly.

"Then it shouldn't be a problem if you leave right now."

"No, it shouldn't, and that's exactly what I was planning to do."

"Then do it."

"Why should I listen to you?"

"Both of you, stop it!" Saki demanded sternly.

Both me and Ayaka were caught off guard by her sudden change in emotion. Even with such a calm and collected exterior, it felt like I had no choice but to do as she said.

"Ayaka, quit being so rude to him out of nowhere," Saki scolded. "I don't know what went on between you two, but leave that out of the club."

"Uh..." she was at such a loss for words that it almost made me laugh.

"And, you, Tsuki!" Saki continued, which made me jolt. "Same thing goes for you. From now on, as long as it deals with the club, Ayaka won't pester you anymore, so I expect you to do the same. Got it?"

"Y-yes, sir- I mean... Ma'am..." I stuttered.

"Good. Now that we are all in agreement, the three of us are going to head to the café and sit down next to each other. Ayaka's going to tell us her idea, and me and Tsuki will tell her what we think. No buts!"

She stepped in between us and continued walking while we were left in a daze.

"Was she always able to talk like that?" I muttered.

"Even I have to admit that it was surprising," Ayaka said.

We both looked at each other and for that moment of bliss, we actually agreed on something. However, that was short-lived, as we immediately turned away.

"Hey!" Saki shouted. "Are you guys making up back there or something?"

"No!" Ayaka shouted as she began walking. "Keep your distance from me. You hear?"

I breathed a sigh and followed them, making sure to keep my pace. It seemed like they were catching up on something. I have no right or interest to butt into their conversation.

Eventually, we made it to the café that Saki was talking about. I had my doubts, but it looks pretty nice and quiet here. We ordered our drinks and sat down at a small round table.

"Alright!" Saki smiled. "Let's get started, shall we? Ayaka, what idea did you have?"

She first shot me a brief glance before turning back to Saki.

"So, I've been talking to some of the theater clubs, and the idea we had was to include a stage for them to perform. It'll be like a... um..."

"Talent show," I said.

"Yeah, that's it."

Right then, she realized that I was the one who finished her sentence before shooting me a disdainful glare.

"Wait, how did I not think of that?" Saki gasped. "That's such a good idea!"

"I know right?" Ayaka grinned. "And one of them is willing to let us borrow their stage, so all we need to do is decorate it."

"Oh my gosh... That's so exciting! Ah! We need to go shopping for additional decorations! You're coming with us, right, Tsuki?"

"Eh?" I muttered.

"Eh?!" Ayaka muttered even louder.

"That way, you can see what we officers do for the club during off-school hours. It'll give you a nice little insight just in case you wanna run for officer next year! Plus, it'll be a great bonding experience for us!"

"Absolutely not!" Ayaka adamantly protested.

"Why not?"

"B-because! This is a matter for officers of the club to handle, not a regular member!"

"It should be fine as long as we agree to it. What do you think, Tsuki?"

"I agree with Ayaka," I said. "Officers of the board are officers for a reason, right? If these are the responsibilities meant for you, then I shouldn't interfere."

Ayaka's expression lifted for just a moment, but again, she realized that it was me and quickly turned away with a frown.

"Nonsense!" Saki exclaimed joyfully. "If it comes up, I'll just talk to the president. I'm sure he'll understand."

"Hold on, don't I get a say in this?" I asked.

"Eh? D-don't you wanna go...?"

And just like that, I almost folded like a lawn chair. Why is she suddenly giving me that look, all pouty and sad like a lost puppy? I don't even know why I should care. Perhaps since I'm somewhat living a normal life now, I should be able to play the part. Still, I don't really want to.

"I-it's not that," I mumbled. "I just don't do well in crowds. That's all."

"You're gonna be with us the whole time, though. It'll be fine," Saki said. "What do you think?"

Again with those eyes. This is totally unfair. She's using dirty tactics, and it's kind of working.

"... Sure..." I sighed.

"Awesome!" she smiled. "So, none of us have classes tomorrow, right?"

"N-no..." Ayaka muttered.

"I don't think so," I said.

"Great!" Saki stood while slamming her hands on the table. "Tomorrow at noon, the three of us are gonna go to the mall! Ah, just the thought of it is getting me excited. Walking around the mall and looking through the shop fronts with my friends. Aren't you guys excited?"

Ayaka forced a smile to try and match her. "Yeah..."

I crossed my arms and leaned back on the chair. "I suppose."

"Then it's a plan!" Saki grinned as she stood up and walked away. "See you guys tomorrow. Remember, noon!"

She skipped away like a happy little girl until she was completely out of sight, leaving me and Ayaka alone at the table.

"Was she always able to act like that?" I gulped.

"I feel like I don't even know her anymore," Ayaka sighed.

This time, she didn't bother to show her contempt. It seems like even she can grow tired of holding a grudge.

I leaned my elbow on the table and shut my eyes. A trip to the mall, huh? I don't recall a single time I've ever gone anywhere with other people except for missions. At the very least, I'm hoping it'll be somewhat interesting.
