Chapter 1:

Your Idol?

Kagamine Len Vtuber

Aroan's fingers hovered over the power button of his PC, his eyes fixated on the screen as he pressed it down with a satisfying click. The room was filled with the soft glow of the TV playing in the background, casting flickering shadows on the walls. He let out a weary sigh, feeling the weight of frustration settle upon his shoulders.
Leaving his bedroom behind, he padded down the hallway, the carpet cushioning his footsteps. The air was filled with a faint scent of warm, spicy ramen noodles, a lingering reminder of his earlier meal. Aroan carefully crouched down, his hands trembling slightly as he took another bite of the cooling noodles. The threads of the big, slurp-worthy noodles danced on his tongue, releasing a burst of intense flavors that mingled with the heat, causing his taste buds to tingle with delight.
As he made his way downstairs, Aroan's senses sharpened. He was acutely aware of the darkness that enveloped the living room, punctuated only by the faint glow of moonlight filtering through the curtains. Every creak of the floorboards beneath his cautious steps sent a shiver down his spine. His heart pounded in his chest, a mixture of fear and determination coursing through his veins.
The adrenaline surged within him as he positioned himself behind a piece of furniture, seeking refuge and a vantage point. His eyes scanned the room, searching for any sign of the intruder who dared invade their sanctuary. Aroan clutched a glass of water tightly in his hand, ready to defend himself if needed. The spicy noodles, his makeshift weapon, would not fail him in this moment of uncertainty.
In the midst of the tension, a sudden noise interrupted the silence. Aroan's head snapped towards the source, his senses on high alert. He noticed a figure, a boy around his own age, with vibrant yellow spiky hair tied up in a small ponytail. The boy wore a uniform adorned with the colors of white, yellow, and black.
"Ow!" the boy squeaked, his voice filled with surprise and a hint of pain.
Aroan quickly regained his composure, realizing that he had been caught in an awkward position on the floor. He swiftly rose to his feet, hoping to salvage some dignity before the unfamiliar boy could fully process the scene. Clad in his vibrant anime-themed pajamas, decorated with a myriad of colorful characters, Aroan's cheeks flushed with embarrassment.
Gathering his noodles in hand, he hurriedly made his way past the Vocaloid game he had been playing earlier, plopping himself down on the couch. The soft cushions welcomed him, providing a sense of comfort amidst the chaos. Aroan crossed his legs, finding solace in the familiarity of the virtual world before him.
As he delved into his steaming bowl of fiery ramen, the room filled with an intoxicating aroma. The spices mingled in the air, teasing his nostrils and stimulating his senses. With each eager slurp, the heat of the broth danced upon his taste buds, leaving a trail of fiery sensations in its wake. The combination of flavors both thrilled and challenged him, creating an exhilarating culinary experience.
Suddenly, Aroan's attention was stolen by the unexpected presence of a renowned idol boy singer, inexplicably standing in the midst of his humble living room. Shocked, his eyes widened in disbelief as they locked with the charismatic figure before him. The dim lighting added an aura of mystery to the encounter, intensifying the rapid thumping of Aroan's heart. A mixture of nervousness and excitement coursed through his veins, causing him to hastily wipe a smudge of spicy sauce from the corner of his mouth, his hand moving in a blur.
In the hushed ambiance, the idol's gaze met Aroan's, their eyes connecting in an unspoken understanding. Aroan's breath caught in his throat, his voice barely a whisper as he tentatively attempted to bridge the gap between their worlds.
"H-hello?" Aroan stammered, his words quivering in the air, carrying a blend of shyness and curiosity within them. The sound of his own voice seemed to hang in the room, creating a delicate tension that awaited the Vocaloid's response.
The Vocaloid turned his head, a wide smile spreading across his face as he met Aroan's gaze. His voice, smooth and velvety, resonated through the air, akin to the enchanting notes of a sweet opera echoing in a magnificent church. A playful giggle escaped his lips as he observed Aroan's nervousness, his hands casually tucked inside his pockets.
"Hi there!" the idol greeted cheerfully, his grin radiating warmth and charm. He shifted his weight slightly, standing up taller as he engaged with Aroan. His eyes sparkled with mischief as he continued, "Um, uh, can I ask a question?"

Aaron's gaze met the mesmerizing smile of the Vocaloid, and his heart skipped another beat. The idol's radiant expression illuminated the room, filling it with a warm and inviting aura. His voice, like a velvety caress, resonated with a melodic charm reminiscent of a captivating opera performance in a grand cathedral.
Caught between nervousness and awe, Aaron couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement at the idol's giggles, which seemed to wash away his apprehension. As the Vocaloid rose from his seat, a graceful gesture accentuated his charismatic presence. His hands were casually tucked into the pockets of his stylish attire, and his head tilted inquisitively, a mischievous grin playing on his lips.
Embodied by a mix of bashfulness and curiosity, Aaron found his voice, though it trembled slightly as he replied, "Um, uh, of course! I-I mean, sure, you can ask me anything." He shyly nodded, a hint of anticipation gleaming in his eyes, as he took a small sip from his bowl of spicy ramen noodles, the flavorful broth leaving a tingling sensation on his lips.
