Chapter 655:

Chapter 669: Planting The Seeds of Rebellion

Beyond The Stars

Chapter 669: Planting The Seeds of Rebellion

Narrator: Back with Sasha after she has left the cafeteria.

Sasha walks on a high-up outdoor walkway. She looks over the railing to see Emily, Joe, Kurt, Pearl, and Kasuma digging in the field.

Sasha thinks to herself. (“Now, I know exactly where they are. I need to inform them of the plan. It’s going to be difficult with all of those dark divine beings watching them though.”)

Sasha pulls out a pen and a piece of paper and begins writing on it. After she finishes writing, she folds up the paper and drops it on the floor in front of a newly summoned Hell Rat. She looks down at the Hell Rat and nods.

The Hell Rat picks up the paper and walks along the walkway until it comes across a wall that it can use its claws to break through.

Sasha thinks to herself. (“This is a risk but I will have to trust that my Hell Rat can get that note to them without being caught.”)


Narrator: A few minutes later.

The Hell Rat creates a small hole in the wall at ground level that leads to the outside. It begins scurrying around trying to avoid the sight of the dark divine being supervisors. It is able to get closer to the hole that the five captured heroes are digging in but the female supervisor is still watching over the hole so it hides behind a rock larger than it is for now.

The female supervisor speaks to the captured heroes with a confident and commanding tone. “Keep digging! If there is one piece of Gomaza here then there must be more!”

The Hell Rat keeps watch, waiting for its time to move in. It then checks its surroundings to make sure no other supervisors are approaching. When the coast is clear, it takes advantage of the female supervisor’s back being turned to it so it can get closer by walking inside a rotting log.

As the Hell Rat goes inside the log, Kurt notices it.

Kurt thinks to himself. (“Wait, I recognize that. It’s one of Sasha’s Hell Rats. Perhaps it came to bring us a message. Though, only Sasha can understand what they say so maybe it has brought something written? Regardless of the method, it can’t bring us the message with this supervisor watching over us. There has to be some way for me to make her go away even if it’s just for a few minutes.”)

Kurt looks around as he continues to dig. He continues to think to himself with urgency. (“Something! There has to be something!”)

Finally, Kurt looks at Emily’s shovel and notices that it has a crack in it. He now confidently thinks to himself. (“That’s it! Lifting that metal was so tough that it damaged Emily’s shovel! I know what to do now!”)

Kurt looks at the female supervisor and begins speaking in a calm tone. “Excuse me.”

The female supervisor glares intensely at Kurt. “Choose your words carefully, slave. What is it?”

Kurt responds with a tone of voice that is still calm. “I think it would be better if we had more shovels.” He points at the crack in Emily’s shovel and then continues speaking. “Her shovel might break if she tries to lift another metal so it would be more time-efficient to have more shovels already here so that we don’t waste any time if our shovels break.”

The female supervisor puts her hand up to her chin as she curiously examines Emily’s shovel. “You’re smarter than you look, slave. That’s a good idea. I will be back with more shovels but you better keep working while I’m gone.”

Once the female supervisor walks past the log, the Hell Rat finally comes out of it and walks into the hole where the five heroes are. It drops and unfolds the note so they can read it. The note says, “This is Sasha. I’m aware that you five are being forced to do slave work. As for Zeth, he is currently locked up in their prison. For now, just hang tight even if you’re in a bad situation. I’m currently investigating this place while Lavana, Dusk, and Herbie are planting the seeds of rebellion. You will know when it’s time.”

The five heroes nod and continue digging. The Hell Rat then scurries out of the hole and gets away just as the female supervisor starts walking back with more shovels.

Kurt thinks to himself. (“Okay, Sasha. We will continue to do this and wait for the rebellion to start.”)


Narrator: Meanwhile, in the crop area.

Herbie is walking around and periodically flicks his thumb to shoot some seeds into the ground.

A male supervisor walks up to him with a curious expression. “What are you doing?”

Herbie calmly replies, “I have Plant Magic so I’m just using it to try to get us some more crops.” He points at the slave working in the crop fields before continuing to speak. “After all, those slaves can’t have too much work, right? Better to make full use of them instead of having times where they aren’t working because they finished tending to the already existing crops.”

The male supervisor looks over at the slaves and then back at Herbie. “Good point. Thanks for helping us. I appreciate it.”

Both Herbie and the male supervisor begin walking in opposite directions. Herbie thinks to himself with a smile. (“I truly look forward to seeing the looks on their faces when they find out what my true intentions are. It will be glorious!”)


Narrator: Meanwhile, in the punishment chambers.

Lavana walks through the dimly lit halls of the punishment chambers. She hears agonizing screams. She looks through an open door to her right and sees dark divine beings punishing a few light divine beings.

With a grin, a female dark divine being whips a chained light divine being with a magic-energy whip. The female dark divine being has long black hair that goes down to her lower legs. She has Dark Divine Eyes and has a scar on her left cheek. She is wearing a similar uniform to the other high-ranking dark divine beings. She looks like the equivalent of a human woman in her 30s.

Narrator: Punishment Director – Soga.

There is also a male dark divine being there that is wearing a brown leather jacket.

The male slave cries out in pain. “Please stop! No more! I beg of you!”

Soga continues whipping the slave with great enthusiasm. “Maybe you should have thought about this when you decided to slack off on your work, slave! If you don’t want to be punished, then work harder!”

Lavana watches and thinks to herself. (“This is nuts. Conflict is one thing but the dark divine beings on this planet are taking it way too far.”) She then notices the leather jacket on the male dark divine being and thinks to herself again. (“Wait. I recognize that jacket. It’s Zeth’s. I’d love to get it back for him now but I have a job to do and I can’t reveal the truth right. I’m sure there will be another chance.”)

Lavana stops watching and continues walking.


Narrator: Soon after. Outside.

Lavana is walking in a barren outdoor area with the only thing of note in the area being a mountain. She thinks to herself. (“I didn’t think about this earlier but are there just no mortals on this planet? And yet divine beings are just living on it instead of the planet’s Heaven and Hell. What is going on with this place?”)

As Lavana continues to walk, she spots the entrance to a cave on the side of the mountain. She thinks to herself. (“That’s the place I heard about. That’s where I need to be.”) She heads toward the cave entrance and stops just in front of it before thinking to herself again. (“This cave is being used for mining. I wouldn’t be surprised if I do have to fight a dark divine being or demon in here. My first objective will be cutting off their intercom systems in here.”) She begins walking inside the cave.


Narrator: A few minutes later inside the cave.

As Lavana continues walking inside the cave, she doesn’t see anyone but there are lights attached to the walls. She soon walks into a very large room with various pathways scattered throughout that go in different directions including up and down. Suddenly, a handful of boulders fall from the ceiling and hit the ground before they begin connecting together.

A deep monstrous voice comes from the boulders. “Halt! Who are you and what business do you have here?”

The connected boulders begin to take a bulky and monstrous yet humanoid shape. A face forms on the head boulder that has yellow eyes and sharp stone teeth.

Narrator: Boulder Demon – Gravo.

Gravo resumes speaking. “I ask again, who are you? No one else should be here right now.”

Lavana begins walking to the side as she smiles and speaks with a confident yet polite tone of voice. “Ah, my apologies. You see, Ronzic asked me to come here.”

Gravo stares at Lavana intently. “What does he want you here for?”

Lavana replies in the same confident yet polite tone. “He wants me to do…” She reaches an electronic box with a mic and smashes it with her fist before finishing her sentence. “…this.”

Gravo opens his eyes wide and begins angrily yelling. “You lied to me! He would never have you do that! You appear to be a demon and yet you do that! I’m not afraid to crush another demon! I, Gravo, will destroy you!”

Lavana confidently smiles. “You will be very disappointed. My lava will crumble your boulders.”

Narrator: Lavana begins her part of the rebellion operation!

Chapter 669 END

To be Continued in Chapter 670: Lavana vs Gravo